data.frame detailling the changes in ICD-10-GM codes between versions
A data.frame providing old and new ICD codes (identical if no changes) and information as to whether the transition is automatic when transitioning forwards or backwards
The source data was downloaded from the official download centre of the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI). See also https://www.dimdi.de/dynamic/en/classifications/icd/icd-10-gm/tabular-list/#crosswalks
- year_from
Year of validity of the old code (from 2004)
- year_to
Year of validity of the new code (from 2005)
- icd_from
Old ICD code
- icd_to
New ICD code
- automatic_forward
Whether the transition is automatic in the forward direction (i.e. the old code can always be converted to the new code). (A: automatic, otherwise NA)
- automatic_backward
Whether the transition is automatic in the forward direction (i.e. the new code can always be converted to the old code) (A: automatic, otherwise NA)
- change_5
Whether the change relates to the fifth digit of the ICD-10 code (TRUE/FALSE).
- change_4
Whether the change relates to the fourth digit of the ICD-10 code (TRUE/FALSE).
- change_3
Whether the change relates to the three-digit ICD-10 code (TRUE/FALSE).
- icd3
The first three digits of
.- icd_chapter
The first character of
(i.e. the letter denoting the chapter).
See also
Other ICD-10-GM metadata: